





الأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى
             وَلِلَّهِ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا ( الاعراف/١٨٠ )
   إِنَّ لِلّهِ تِسْعَةً وَتِسْعِينَ اسْمًا مِائَةً إِلَّا وَاحِدًا مَنْ أَحْصَاهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ (البخاري، الشروط ٢٧٧٤ )
لِلّهِ تِسْعَةٌ وَتِسْعُونَ اسْمًا مَنْ حَفِظَهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ (مسلم، الذكر والدعاء ٦٩٨٥ )
Allahü teâlâ'nın güzel isimleri vardır. O'na onlarla dua ediniz. (A'râf,180)
Allahü teâlâ'nın doksan dokuz güzel ismi vardır. 
Kim onları sayarsa, ezberlerse cennete girer. (Buhârî ve Müslim)

Esmâ-i Husnâ

 Kısa Açıklaması

Most Beautiful names of Allahu ta’ālā and their brief explanation in English

الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى

celle celâlüh

Hak taâlânın en yüce ismidir ki, bütün isimleri onda toplanmıştır. O, zâtında, sıfatlarında ve fiillerinde tektir,  benzersizdir. O, hiçbir şeye benzemez. Ezelîdir, ebedîdir. O, doğmamıştır ve doğurmamıştır. O'nun oğlu, kızı ve eşi yoktur. O, zamanlı ve mekânlı değildir.    

Allah: The most exalted name of Allahu ta’ālā; all of His names are gathered in it. He is One and unique in His dhāt [self], His attributes, and His actions. 

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Yaratılmışlar hakkında hayır ve rahmet isteyen.

ar-Rahmān: Wishes goodness and rahmah [mercy] for His creation. 

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Çok merhamet eden, verdiği nimetleri iyi kullananları, Mü'minleri daha büyük ve sonsuz nimetler vermek suretiyle mükâfatlandıran.

ar-Rahīm: Has great mercy; Rewards those who acknowledge and believe Him and use the benefactions He gave them in good ways with greater and endless benefactions.

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Her şeyin sahibi, mutlak hükümdarı.

al-Melik: The owner of everything, the absolute sovereign over all creation.

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Bütün kusur ve eksiklerden uzak, pek temiz.

 al-Quddūs: Exalted beyond and free from all imperfections and defects, completely flawless.

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Hiçbir ayıbı olmayan, kullarını tehlikelerden selâmete çıkaran, cennetteki kullarına selâm veren. 

 as-Salām: The One without any flaws, The One who leads His abds from dangers to salāmah [safety], The One who gives salām [greetings] to His abds in paradise.[Abd means created and living being who worships, obeys, and serves. It is usually used for “human being.”] 

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Mü’min kulları hakkındaki va’dini tasdik eden, onları azaptan koruyan; kendini “bir”leyen.

al-Mu’min: The One who attests to the truth of His promise to His mu’min abds [believers], The One who protects them from punishment; The One who declares His own unity.

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Gözetici, koruyucu, emîn. 

al-Muhaymin: The Guardian, The Protector,  The One who is trustworthy.

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Mağlup edilmesi mümkün olmayan galip.

al-Azīz: The victor that cannot be defeated.

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Islâh eden, eksikleri tamamlayan, dilediğini zorla yaptırmaya muktedir olan. 

al-Jabbār: The One who corrects and removes deficiencies, The One who is able to enforce what He wishes.

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Her şeyde ve işte büyüklüğünü gösteren.

al-Mutakabbir: The One who manifests His greatness in everything and every action.

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Her şeyin hâllerini takdir edip yaratan, yoktan var eden.

al-Khāliq: The One who foreordains and creates the states of everything, The One who creates everything from nothing.

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Eşyayı ve her şeyin kısımlarını birbirine uygun ve ahenkli halde yaratan.

al-Bārī: The One who creates matter and parts of everything compatible with each other and in a harmonious state.

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Tasvir eden; her şeye bir şekil ve özellik veren.

al-Musawwir: The fashioner of forms; The One who gives everything its shape and properties.

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Mağfireti çok olan, günahlarının affını isteyenleri af eden.

al-Ghaffār: The One who has great mercy; forgives those who ask for forgiveness of their sins.

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Her şeye, her istediğini yapacak şekilde galip ve hakim olan.

al-Qahhār: He is victorious and dominant over everything such that He can do whatever He wills.

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Çeşitli nimetleri karşılıksız, devamlı veren.

al-Wahhāb: He gives various benefactions continuously and freely.

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Yaratılmışlara yiyecekleri gıdaları ihsan eden, veren.

al-Razzāk: The One who bestows upon the created beings food and sustenance.

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Her türlü zorluğu açan ve kolaylaştıran; yokluk kapısını varlıkla, bilgisizliği ilimle,  rızkı verme ve ihsanla açan.

al-Fattāh: The One who eases and removes all kinds of difficulties; The One who remedies poverty with wealth, ignorance with knowledge, benevolence, and by giving rizq [sustenance].

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Her şeyi çok iyi bilen.

al-Alīm: All-knowing; He knows everything best.

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Sıkan, daraltan; dilediğine acı ve sıkıntı veren. 

al-Qābid: The restrainer, the limiter; He gives pain and distress to anyone He wills.

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Açan, genişleten; dilediğine, neş’e, sevinç ve bolluk veren.

al-Bāsit: The One who opens and expands; He gives joy, happiness, and abundance to anyone He wills.

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Yukarıdan aşağıya indiren, alçaltan; değer, mal, amel ve inanç yönünden düşmanlarının derecelerini alçaltan. 

al-Khāfid: The abaser; The One who demotes His enemies in wealth, deeds and faith.

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Yukarı kaldıran, yükselten; değer, mal, amel ve inanç yönünden sevdiklerinin derecelerini yükselten.

ar-Rāfi’: The One who exalts and raises; The One who promotes His loved ones with respect to value, wealth, deeds, and faith.

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İzzet veren, şeref ve haysiyetini yükselten.

al-Mu’izz: The One who gives greatness and honor.

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Zillete düşüren, hor ve hakir kılan.

al-Mudhill: The One who demotes to worthlessness and humiliates.

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 Her varlığı işiten.

as-Samī’: All-hearing; He hears every being.

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Her varlığı gören, varlığı ve yokluğu bilen.

al-Basīr: All-seeing; He sees every being, He knows the existent and the non-existent.

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Hükmeden, hakkı yerine getiren.

al-Hakam: The One who judges and arbitrates; He carries out justice.

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Çok adaletli; iradesi gereğince fiillerini yerine getiren.

al-Adl: Very just; He carries out His actions as required by His will [i.e. things are created in accordance with what He has willed and preordained].

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En ince işlerin bütün inceliklerini bilen, yapan ve bu işlerin faydalarını kullarına ulaştıran.

al-Latīf: The One who knows and creates all the subtleties of the most subtle matters and events. He conveys the benefits of these matters and events to His abds.

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Her şeyin iç yüzünü, gizli taraflarını bilen.

al-Habīr: The One who knows the inside, the secret aspects of everything.

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Hilmi çok; suçluların cezasını vermeye gücü yettiği halde, onlar hakkında yumuşak davranan ve cezalarını geriye bırakan veya düşüren.

al-Halīm: He has great hilm [forbearance]; although He has the power to punish the guilty, He treats them gently and delays or annuls their punishment.

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Çok azametli, en büyük; azameti hakkında sınır muhal olan.

al-Azīm: He has great majesty and greatness, He is the greatest; a limit to His greatness is impossible.


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Mağfireti çok; günahları, kusurları saklayan, örten. Gaffâr: günahları, kusurları saklayan, örten. Gafîr: Kötü ve yüz kızartıcı işleri örten. Gafûr: kulların günahlarını, kusurlarını ve  çirkinliklerini,  melekût âleminden de saklayan.

al-Ghafūr: He has great mercy; He hides and covers the sins and faults of His abds. Ghaffār: The One who hides and covers sins and faults. Ghafīr: The One who covers bad and shameful acts. Ghafūr: The One who hides the sins, faults, and ugly acts of His abds from the world of malakūt [the world not visible to the eye, the world of spirits and meanings] as well.


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Kendi rızası için yapılan iyi işleri, daha ziyadesi ile karşılayan, karşılık veren.

ash-Shakūr: He reacts to the good deeds carried out for His pleasure with a greater response. [He gives great rewards in response to small deeds.] 

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Çok yüce, yüksek; mekânı olmayan; her şey kendinin dûnunda, emrinde ve hükmü altında olan. 

al-Aliyy: Very exalted, high; He is without makān [place, location]; everything is below Him, under His order and dominion.

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Çok büyük; hakında miktar düşünülmeyen.

al-Kabīr: Very great; quantity [and other properties of matter such as length, width, height, volume, mass etc.] cannot be considered about Him.

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Yapılan işleri, bütün ayrıntılarıyla tutan; her şeyi, belli vaktine kadar yok olmaktan kuruyan ve belâdan saklayan.

al-Hafīz: The One who preserves all done deeds and actions with all their details; The One who preserves everything against annihilation until a certain time and protects everything from calamities.

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Hiçbir şey onu acze düşürmeyen ve her şeyde kuvvetini gösteren; her yaratılmışın rızkını, gıdasını veren.

al-Muqīt: Nothing can render Him weak, He manifests His power in everything; He is the sender of rizq [sustenance, nourishment] and food to every creature.

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Herkesin hayatı boyunca yaptıklarının ve her şeyin hesabını bütün ayrıntılarıyla en iyi bilen.

al-Hasīb: The One who knows what everybody does in life and the accounts of everything in detail.

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Celâlet ve büyüklük sahibi; Zât ve sıfatlarında büyük.

al-Jalīl: Has jalālah [majesty] and greatness; He is great in His dhāt [self] and attributes.

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Keremi, ihsanı, iyiliği bol; iradesi her şeyi kapsayan, umûmî irade sahibi.

al-Karīm: Has great karam [beneficence], generosity and kindness; His will covers everything and is absolute.

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Bütün varlık üzerinde gözcü; her iş, murakabesi altında bulunan.

ar-Raqīb: Watcher and overseer of all creation; everything is under His control.

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Kendine yalvaranların isteklerini veren.

al-Mujīb: Responsive to those who beg Him.

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Geniş ve müsaadekâr; kudreti, iradesi, ilmi, işitmesi, görmesi, kelâmı her şeyi kuşatan.

al-Wāsi’: Vast and permissive; His power, will, knowledge, hearing, seeing, and speech encompass everything.

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Emirleri ve bütün işleri nizam ve tedbir üzerine hikmetli olan.

al-Hakīm: His orders and all His actions are perfectly ordered, faultless, and have wisdom. There are countless benefits and protective aspects in His acts.

celle celâlüh

İyi kullarını seven, onları rahmet ve rızasına kavuşturan; lâyık olan ve olmayana hayır veren; sevilmeğe ve dostluğu kazanılmaya en lâyık olan.

al-Wadūd: He loves His pious abds, He bestows upon them His rahmah [mercy] and approval; He sends goodness to those who deserve it and to those who do not deserve it. He is The One most deserving to be loved and whose friendship is the most valuable.

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Şanı büyük ve yüksek

al-Majīd: His glory is great and exalted.

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Ölüleri diriltip kabirlerinden çıkaran.

al-Bā’ith: Resurrects and raises the deceased from their graves.

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Her zaman ve her yerde, kudreti, ilmi, işitmesi ve görmesi her varlıkla beraber hâzır ve nâzır olan.

ash-Shahīd: He is always hādhir [present] and nādhir [seeing] everywhere and with every being with His power, knowledge, hearing, and seeing [He exists without place and without time].

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 Varlığı hiç değişmeyen.

al-Haqq: His existence never changes.

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Kendisine havale edilen işleri, en iyi sonuca ulaştıran.

al-Wakīl: He leads the things [tasks, requests] referred and entrusted to Him to the best results.

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Çok güçlü; tam kudret sahibi.

al-Qawiyy: Very strong; The One with complete power.

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Çok sağlam; kuvvet ve kudretinde metin.

al-Matīn: Very secure; solid in His strength and power.

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İyi kullarını seven, onların dostu.

al-Waliyy: Loves His good abds; The Helping Friend to them.

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Kendisine hamd ve sena olunan; bütün varlığın diliyle övülen; doslarını sena eden ve dosları tarafından sena olunan. 

al-Hamīd: The One who is offered hamd and sanā [thanks and praise]; The One who is praised by the tongue of all of creation; The One who praises His friends and praised by His friends.

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Her şeyin sayısını bilen; ilmi, kudreti ve iradesi, her şeyi zapteden, kaydeden.

al-Muhsī: The One who knows the count of everything; His knowledge, will, and power save and record everything.

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Varlığı maddesiz ve örneksiz olarak ilk baştan yaratan.

al-Mubdī: The Originator, The Creator of everything from nothing, without an initial matter or a precedent.

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Yaratılmışları yok ettikten sonra, tekrar yaratan.

al-Mu’īd: The One who creates the created beings again after annihilating them.

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Dirilten, can veren; varlığı vücut, hareket, ilim, iman ve hidayet yönünden dirilten.

al-Muhyī: The One who resurrects, gives life; The One who resurrects beings with respect to body, motion, knowledge, īmān [faith], and hidāyah [guidance, being on the right path].

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Canlı bir varlığın ölümünü yaratan; varlığı vücut, hareket, ilim, iman ve hidayet yönünden öldüren.

al-Mumīt: The One who creates the death of a living being; The One who gives death to beings with respect to body, motion, knowledge, īmān [faith], and hidāyah [guidance, being on the right path].

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Diri; her şeyi bilen ve her şeye gücü yeten.

al-Hayy: Alive; all-knowing and omnipotent.

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Gökleri, yeri ve her şeyi tutan.

al-Qayyūm: The One who holds the skies, the earth, and everything [He is self-existing, He manages and preserves all of His creation, He keeps all creation in existence.]

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İstediğini istediği vakit bulan.

al-Wājid: Finds anything He wishes whenever He wishes.

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Kâdir ve şânı büyük, kerem ve cömertliği çok.

al-Mājid: Powerful and has great glory; has great beneficence and generosity.

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Tek; zatında, sıfatlarında, fiillerinde benzersiz, eşi, ortağı bulunmayan.

al-Wāhid: Single [unique]; The One without any partners, equals, or similars with respect to His dhāt [self], His attributes, and His acts.

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Hacetlerin giderilmesi, ıstırapların ortadan kalkması için herkesin yöneldiği yüce merci; hayallere sığmaz, arzularda ondan başkası kast olunmaz, istenmez.

as-Samad: The high authority to whom everybody appeals for the satisfaction of needs and for the removal of suffering; The One who is unimaginable, the One except whom nothing is wanted or intended in desires.

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İstediğini istediği gibi yapmaya gücü yeten.

al-Qādir: He has the power to do whatever He wishes in the manner He wishes.

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Her şeye gücü yeten; kuvvet ve kudret sahipleri üzerinde de istediği gibi tasarruf eden.

al-Muqtadir: Omnipotent; Disposes those with strength and power as He wills.

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İstediğini öne alan, ileri geçiren.

al-Muqaddim: Expedites and brings forward what He wishes.

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İstediğini geri koyan, arkaya bırakan.

al-Muakhkhir: Delays and puts away anything He wishes.

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Varlığının başlangıcı olmayan.

al-Awwal: His existence does not have a beginning.

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Varlığının sonu olmayan.

al-Ākhir: His existence does not have an end.

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Varlığı delillerle idrak olunan, anlaşılan; âşikâr. 

az-Zāhir: His existence is comprehended and perceived through clear signs and it is self-evident.

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Varlığı duyu organlarıyla anlaşılamıyan; gizli.

al-Bātin: His existence is not understood by means of the five senses, it is hidden.

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Bütün varlığa hakim olup onu idare eden.

al-Wālī: Dominates over and manages all existence.

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İzzet, şeref ve hükümranlık bakımından en yüce.

al-Muta’ālī: The most exalted with respect to greatness, glory, and dominion.

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Çok iyilik eden, va’dini yerine getiren.

al-Barr: Does plenty of favors, holds His promises.

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Kulunu tevbeye sevkeden ve tevbesini kabul eden; kulunu günah durumundan itâat hâline çeviren.

at-Tawwāb: Leads His abds to tawbah [repentance, asking Allahu ta’ālā for forgiveness] and accepts their tawbahs. Turns His abds from sin to obedience.

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Suçluları cezalandıran.

al-Muntaqim: Punishes the guilty.

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Günahları çok affeden; işlerin kolay olmasını isteyen.

al-Afuww: Generously pardons sins; wishes to facilitate affairs [good deeds and prayers and other things for which His abds are responsible for].

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Rahmeti çok olan, çok merhametli.

ar-Ra’ūf: Has great rahmah [mercy], very merciful.

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Mülkün sonsuz sahibi; her şeyin başkasına ihtiyaç duymayan hakimi, hükümdarı.

Mālik al-mulk: Endless owner of mulk [dominion]; the ruler of everything, the ruler who does not need anybody else. 

Zü'l-Celâli ve’l-İkrâm

Azamet ve kerem sahibi.

Zū'l-Jalāli wa'l-Ikrām: The owner of greatness and karam [beneficence].

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İşlerini yerli yerinde birbirine uygun yapan; adaletle hükmeden; iradesine göre hükümleri yerine gelen.

al-Muqsit: Carries out His acts at the correct time/place and with harmony; rules with justice; His decrees materialize in accordance with His will.

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İstediğini istediği zaman istediği yerde toplayan; dağılmışı toplayan.

al-Jāmi’: He brings together anything whenever and wherever he wishes; The One who gathers the dispersed and the scattered.

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Her şeyden müstağni, zengin, hiçbir şeye ihtiyaç duymayan. 

al-Ghaniyy: Independent of everything, rich, and has no need for anything.

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 İstediğini zengin eden.

al-Mughnī: Enriches whoever He wishes.

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Dilemediği bir şeyin gerçekleşmesine müsaade etmeyen, kötü şeylere engel olan.

al-Māni’: Does not permit the occurrence of something He does not wish; preventer of evil things.

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Elem ve zarar veren şeyler yaratan.

ad-Dārr: The Creator of things that cause suffering and harm.

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Hayır ve menfaat verici şeyler yaratan, fayda veren.

an-Nāfi’: The Creator of things that are good and beneficial, benefactor.

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Âlemleri nurlandıran; istediği simalara, zihinlere ve gönüllere nur yağdıran.

an-Nūr: Gives light to the ālams [worlds]; He fills the faces, minds, and hearts He wishes with Nūr [heavenly light].

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Hidayet yolunu gösteren, istediği kulunu hayırlı yollarda başarılı kılan, muradına erdiren.

al-Hādī: Shows the way to hidāyah [salvation], renders the abds He wishes successful in good paths, gives them what they want.

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Eşi, örneği olmayan ve hayret verici âlemler yaratan.

al-Badī’: The One who is incomparable, who has no partners, and who creates amazing ālams [worlds].

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Varlığının sonu olmayan.

al-Bāqī: The Everlasting [His existence has no end].

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Varlığının sonu olmayan; servetlerin geçici sahipleri yok olduktan sonra varlığı devam eden mülkün hakiki sahibi.

al-Wārith: The Everlasting; The One who continues to exist after the temporary owners of property and wealth cease to exist, The One who is the real owner of every property and dominion.

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Bütün işleri dosdoğru, bir nizam ve hikmet içinde sonucuna ulaştıran; irşad eden, doğru yolu, hidayet yolunu gösteren.

ar-Rashīd: Finishes all things perfectly correctly, with an order and wisdom; inspires and leads to the true path, shows the way to salvation.

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Çok sabırlı; azabı geri bırakmayı isteyen.

as-Sabūr: Very patient; wishes to delay punishment.