We are so happy to hear about your aspirations to obtain
ikhlâs in spite of all your various occupations and activities. “If They were
not to give (what is desired), They would not have given the desire,” goes the
saying. The patient has to tell the doctor his complaints. Rasûlullah is the source of fayz. Yet the fayz
coming from him undergoes changes as it goes through intermediaries. In the
path of our superiors, it is essential to attend the Murshid’s sohbat. Of the
fayz emanating from the Murshid’s heart, an amount proportionate with the
disciple’s personal capacity and the affection he feels (towards his Murshid)
will flow into his heart. If the tâlib (disciple) cannot find a murshid (to
guide him), he must read a past murshid’s books and receive from the murshid’s
soul an amount of fayz proportionate to the affection which is formed in his
heart towards the murshid (by reading his books). Uways Qarnî, [i.e.
Ways-al-Qarânî,] did not attain a grade equal to the one attained by any one of
the Ashâb-i-kirâm, since he had not seen Rasûlullah, although he became a great Walî, –in fact, he was the highest of
the Tâbi’în–, by receiving fayz (from the Prophet’s blessed soul) remote as he was (from the Best of Mankind). The
affection you feel towards men of Tasawwuf is a great blessing. Appreciate the
value of this blessing! There is Glad Tidings for you in the hadîth-i-sherîf, “A person will be with people he loves.” It bears the good news that we will reap benefits from the
hearts of the people we love. Attach great importance to acts of worship! Do
not waste your valuable time on revelries, romps or merriments! Always keep in
mind that we are merely transient lodgers in the world and be constantly
apprehensive about the torment in grave and on the Last Day. Never forget that
the only way to salvation leads through obedience to the Sharî’at and clear of
bid’ats! Do not make friends with holders of bid’at and people not affiliated
in any of the (four canonically validated) Madhhabs! Those people are thieves
of faith. They will steal your îmân. Do not believe those shaikhs and men of
Tarîqat who are slack in obeying the Sharî’at! [Avoid the Râfidîs, the
Wahhâbîs, and their books and radio and television programmes!]