I pray so that we will not deviate from the path followed by our fathers and grandfathers, who were true Muslims. The true path, the path to salvation, is the path they followed and also taught in their books. O my brother! We are living in the latest time. Religious knowledge is on the decrease. There has been a general slackening in obeying the Sharî’at. Sunnats have


been abandoned, and bid’ats have been spread far and wide. [The masonic organizations of infidelity established by British agents and priestly missionaries, propagated with fallacious books, supported with monstrous amounts of money and weaponry, and in cooperation with heretical groups of soi-disant Muslims called Râfidîs and Wahhâbîs, are waging a universal smear campaign against the true Muslims called Ahl as-Sunnat.] In this time of obscurity, when unbelief and heresies are so widespread, it is the primary duty of the descendants of true Muslims to learn their religion, (Islam), from books written by the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat and to spread these books everywhere. It is the most valuable work to resuscitate forgotten religious teachings. Work round the clock to learn the teachings of the Sharî’at and to publicize them. Do not go into politics. Pray continuously and call upon Allâhu ta’âlâ for help! [We are slaves of Allâhu ta’âlâ. We have to do our duties as His slaves. For doing so, we have to have a correct belief (îmân) and obey the Sharî’at. Do not think even for a moment of having your heart’s sight opened and being able to see genies, angels and spirits, to talk with them and to learn about unknown things! Learn the existence, the unity and the greatness of Allâhu ta’âlâ not from such transcendental reports, but from scientific and medical phenomena. The human mind is the place for the teachings acquired from such phenomena. Mind’s busying itself with science, medicine, arms race, trade or agriculture will not prevent the heart’s attaining Fanâ or forgetting about worldly occupations. Preoccupied as a person’s mind may be in worldly occupations, not even momentarily will his heart be oblivious of Allâhu ta’âlâ. As a matter of fact, the Sharî’at commands such occupations, e.g. to emulate the enemy in the preparation of means of war in peace time. Doing this commandment of the Sharî’at will polish the heart, thus helping it to attain Fanâ. Râfidîs or Wahhâbîs, or their Christian and Jewish sponsors will not understand these facts which we write. Both mentally and spiritually, they are entirely absorbed in worldly interests and sensuous desires and pleasures. All four groups cooperate in their inimical activities against the Ahl as-Sunnat. Their ignominious campaigns are manipulated by British plotters.]
