Obstinacy (inâd) and “mukâbara” is one’s rejection of the truth when one hears it. Abû Jahl and Abû Tâlib were obstinate not to accept the prophethood of Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sal-lam’. They denied it. Obstinacy (inâd) is caused by hypocrisy, hatred (hiqd), jealousy, or tama’ Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sal-lam’ said, “The person whom Allâhu ta’âlâ loathes most is the one who is too obstinate to admit the truth.” It is stated in another hadîth-i-sherîfA Believer (Mu’min) will be dignified and soft.” A dignified person will show the easy way in worldly affairs. He will be like a hard rock regarding affairs pertaining to religion. A mountain may wear out with time but a Believer’s faith will never wear out.



Hypocrisy (nifâq) is a person’s inwardly being different from what he pretends to be. When a person who has disbelief in his heart says he is a Believer with his speech, his action is religious hypocrisy. If a person who has the animosity in his heart pretends friendship with his behavior, this would be a worldly hypocrisy. The worst kind of disbelief is religious hypocrisy. The leader of the hypocrites of the city of Madina was Abdullah bin Salûl. When they saw the victory of Muslims at the Badr war, they professed themselves as Muslims. But they did not believe through their hearts. Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sal-lam’ uttered the following malediction: “Those who are friendly in words and inimical in behaviour towards Muslims: May they be accursed in the view of Allâhu ta’âlâ and angels!” Another hadîth-i-sherîf reads: “A hypocrite has three signs: he lies, he does not keep his promise, and he violates the trust shown to him.” A person of this type is a hypocrite even if he says he is a Muslim and even if he performs “salât” prayer.