The fayz and nûr radiated by a Murshid every moment spreads in all directions and everybody receives as much of it as he is ready for. Readiness (in this sense) means holding the belief of Ahl as-sunna, avoiding bid’ats and obeying the Sharî’at. The more ready a person is the more fayz will come to him. And the amount he will receive of the fayz coming to him will be in proportion to his ikhlâs and love for his Murshid.

[The Imâms of four Madh-habs and those exalted scholars who were educated by these (four) Imâms and who reached the grade of ijtihâd in religious knowledge are called ’Ulamâ (scholars) of Ahl as-sunna(t), and the knowledge of îmân taught by these scholars is called I’tiqâd (belief) of Ahl as-sunna(t). There were other Madh-habs who also held the belief of Ahl as-sunna(t). Yet their books of fiqh do not exist today. There are three kinds of Imâms: The Imâm (who conducts collective namâz) in a mosque; the Imâm (leader) of a Madh-hab; the Imâm of all Muslims, who is also called Emîr-ul-mu’minîn. This last kind of Imâm does not exist today. Today’s Muslims have various states and governments. Wherever a Muslim lives, be it a country with a government of disbelievers, such as Germany and France, he should not revolt against the state or government or violate the laws; he should avoid acts of separatism and pay taxes. Even in a country of disbelievers, he should not act in defiance of anyone’s property or life; on the contrary, he should be kind to everybody. It is harâm to disturb peace or to arouse fitna. He should not join liars, slanderers, fraudulent or treacherous people. Allâhu ta’âlâ declares, “I love people of ihsân (kindness, generosity, favour).” A person who does not hurt anybody and who always does favours will be liked both by Allah and by people].

The following is a poem written upon Sayyid Abdulhakîm-i-Arwâsî’s acquittal in the military court in Menemen in 1931:

Today Hudâ has given us two festivals;
One is physical cure, the other soul’s victuals.

One is maghfirat-i-hadrat-i-Hudâ, no doubt;
The other will cure the ailing heart, an antidote.


Tempest of separation exposed us to destruction;
Kerem-u-Rahmat-i-Haqq gives us fresh animation.

Do not go, do not die, do not kill us; always be with us!
This life would be a mere balderdash without you for us!

All those days that I spent in great grief, deep distress,
No language could say, nor even the best pen could express.

How disastrous those days were, what a great sadness!
Lights of compassion were gone, the whole world in darkness!

My mind was utterly out of thoughts, my soul restless,
Moan was all my breath, lament only my tongue’d express.

I only hope, Lutf-i-Mawlâ will have mercy on me,
Not to record in my deed book those days of frenzy!

Two feasts at the same time today has given us Hudâ;
To Haqq, the Absolute Ruler, let’s pay hamd-u-thenâ!
