There is no interval or pause in Allâhu ta’âlâ’s sending fayz. He sends fayz, barakats, nûrs continuously. [He
sends the power and energy necessary for substantial life through the sun. And
He sends the fayz necessary for spiritual life through Muhammad’s
‘alaihis-salâm’ blessed heart. This fayz comes to Murshids’ hearts and then it
is radiated from their hearts. Murshids’ hearts are like substances with
phosphorescent properties]. The fayz radiated from a Murshid’s heart comes to
every Muslim’s heart in an amount in proportion to his capacity. It never comes
to some people. Likewise, clearness of a person’s image on a mirror depends on
the brightness of the mirror. No image will be seen on an opaque mirror. It is
the mirror that reflects the image perfectly. The owner of the image has no
role in the clearness of the image. [The more ikhlâs and love one has for one’s
Murshid, the more will he receive of the fayz coming from his heart. In some
cases, though very seldom, the whole fayz is received].