The most adamant blind between man and Allâhu ta’âlâ is man’s nafs. It was stated, “Leave your nafs and
come to me!You are the very cloud covering the sun you have beenlooking for!
Recognize yourself!” Removal of
the nafs from between is a business for the conscience [heart] and a matter of
zawk. It cannot be explained by means of oral or written statements. Nor can it
be understood by reading books. First of all, one has to have been blessed with
it in the eternal past and therefore it requires jazba [being attracted] by Allâhu ta’âlâ. In this world of causations, the Murshid-i-kâmil’s sohbat will
be enough on the condition that one should love (one’s Murshid). Depending on
the degree of love one has (for the Murshid), one will take as much as one can
of the fayz being broadcast by the Murshid-i-kâmil’s heart and coming to him
and thus attain perfection. The hadîth-i-sherîf, “One
will be with whomever one loves,” informs with this fact.
Bodies of the Ahlullah [Awliyâ] are Allah’s
compassion, alive or dead alike. The fayz and barakat which they broadcast
through their lifetime go on after their death, too. Their fayz and barakat
continue to pour into people who continue following them. The case is like that
of the haloes of sunnats, which are annihilated by the (noxious rays produced
by the) bid’ats invented and inserted into Islam (in the name of worships and
pious deeds). Try to perform beneficial deeds! Row a race in doing pious deeds
and worships! Deem it a fortune [advantage] to serve the children of the
deceased! Please them in a manner compatible with the Sharî’at!