May Haqq subhânahu wa ta’âlâ bless thee with the
bliss of attaining all your religious and worldly wishes! The only effective
hygienic treatment against the harms of the world’s transitory flavours and
blessings is to use them in a manner and amount prescribed by the Sharî’at;
i.e. to obey the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ. These
flavours will be harmful if they are not enjoyed compatibly with the Sharî’at.
They will incur wrath and torment on the part of Allâhu ta’âlâ. To ensure
perfect salvation, these flavours must be enjoyed as little as possible. Those
who cannot do without them should use protective medicament against them. Thus
they will be safe against their harms. Shame on those people who can neither do
without them nor apply the prescribed medication against their harms and thus
drift into disasters and afflictions and deprive themselves of happiness! Those
who obey the desires of their nafs and run after worldly pleasures and thus run
away from the genuine and everlasting flavours of Paradise are so wretched. Do
they not know that Allâhu ta’âlâ
sees everything? Have they not
heard that safety against harms depends on utilizing worldly enjoyments as
prescribed by the Sharî’at? The day of questioning and judgement will certainly
come and everybody will be confronted with what he has done in the world. How
lucky for those who avoid their Rabb’s prohibitions in the world and therefore
will find themselves having attained His love that day. How lucky, how lucky
for those who do not fall for the sequined life of this world, who fear the
torment promised by their Rabb and curb the desires of their nafs, and who
advise people under their command to perform namâz. May salâm be to those who
follow the way to salvation shown by Allâhu ta’âlâ and who
adapt themselves to Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’!