
The author of the book I’tiqâd-nâma, Mawlânâ Diyâ’ ad-dîn Khâlid al-Baghdâdî al-’Uthmânî (b. 1192, A.H./1778 in Shahrazûr in the north of Baghdad, d. 1242/1826 in Damascus, quddisa sirruh), was called al-’Uthmânî because he was a descendant of ’Uthmân Dhu’n-nûrain, the third caliph (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ’ anh). While he was teaching his brother Hadrat Mawlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib the famous Hadîth al-Jibrîl, the second hadîth ash-sherîf in Al-ahâdîth al-arba’ûn by the great ’âlim an-Nawawî, Hadrat Sâhib requested his elder brother to write a commentary to that hadîth. Mawlânâ Khâlid, to please his brother’s lighted heart, accepted the request and explained the hadîth ash-sherîf in Persian in a book, giving it the title I’tiqâdnâma. Its Turkish translation, Herkese Lâzım Olan Îmân, was translated into English (the present version Belief and Islam), French (Foi et Islam) and German (Glaube und Islam) in 1969, and later, into several other languages, such as Tamil, Yoruba, Hawsa, Malayalam and Danish. May Allâhu ta’âlâ bless the innocent youth with reading this book and learning the correct i’tiqâd (faith) conveyed by the ’ulamâ’ of Ahl as-Sunna!

Publisher’s Note:

Permission is granted to anyone one who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language. We pray that Allahu ta’lâlâ will bless them for this beneficial deed of theirs, and we thank them very much. The permission is granted on the condition that the paper used in printing will be of good quality and the design of the text and setting will be properly and neatly done without any mistakes.


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