All the attributes of Allâhu ta’âlâ manifest themselves in every creature, in the tiniest vestiges. For instance, as His attributes of mercy and kindness manifest themselves, so do His attributes of wrath, dudgeon and tormenting appear. He creates uses and harms in every substance, in everything. Man presumes luscious, pleasurable things to be useful at the same time, and this presumtion misleads him. Allâhu ta’âlâ, who is very compassionate, has sent Prophets, announced the uses and the harms in everything, commanded doing what is useful and prohibited doing what is harmful. He has termed these commandments Fard (Farz) and the prohibitions Harâm or  Dunyâ (World). These commandments and prohibitions as a whole are expressed with the term Sharî’at. The meaning of the interdiction, “Avoid the world!” is, “Avoid (committing) harâms!” Another meaning of the word “Dunyâ” is “Life before death”. None of the worldly pleasures and flavours is harâm (forbidden). What is prohibited is using them in a harmful way. It is either farz or sunnat to use them in a useful way. Different organs of the body enjoy and take pleasure from different things, and so is the case with the heart and the nafs.

All man’s limbs are under the heart’s command. This heart, which we term ‘qalb’, is not something visible. It  is a sort of power embodied in the piece of flesh that we (also) call ‘heart’.

The nafs enjoys committing harâms. The devil and the nasf on the one hand and the evil company on the other, which subsumes not only misleading words and writings by harmful friends but also deluding radio and television broadcast, are prone to beguile man and tempt the heart to committing harâms.

A person who has Îmân in his heart, i.e. who believes in the fact that Muhammed ‘alaihis-salâm’ is the Prophet, is called  a Muslim.  A Muslim has to adapt all his actions to the Sharî’at of Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ and learn this Sharî’at from books written by those true scholars whom we call Ahl as-sunna. He should not read religious books  written by people without a Madh-hab. As he adapts himself to the Sharî’at, he will gradually take a dislike to the world , that is, to harâms. Once the heart is emptied of the desire to commit harâms, love of Allah will pour into it. It is like that when a bottle is emptied of the water it has been containing air will immediately take the water’s place. Senses unknown to us will develop in such a heart. It will begin


to perceive the entire world, even life in the grave. It will hear a sound wherever it is. Wherever there is a sound it will hear it. All his worships and prayers will be accepted. He will lead a peaceful and happy life. 
