Bismi’llâhi ’r-rahmâni ’r-rahîm




Let us begin the book in the name of Allah!
The best protection is the name of Allah!
His blessings are beyond all means of measure;
All Merey He is, forgiving His pleasure!

Allâhu ta’âlâ, having mercy upon all people on the earth, creates useful things and sends them to us. In the Hereafter, He will forgive those guilty Believers who are to go to Hell, and will bring them to Paradise. He alone creates every living creature, keeps every being in existence every moment, and protects all against fear and horror. Trusting ourselves to the honourable name of Allâhu ta’âlâ we begin to write this book.

Hamd[1] be to Allâhu ta’âlâ. Peace and blessings be on Rasûlullah, the Prophet Muhammad (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam). Benedictions be over his pure Ahl al-Bait and over all his just and devoted companions (radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhum ajma’în).

Islamic scholars, who are called Ahl as-Sunna, wrote thousands of valuable books that state the beliefs, commands and prohibitions of Islam correctly. Many of them have been translated into foreign languages and circulated throughout the world. On the other hand, malevolent, short-sighted people have attacked Islam’s beneficial, bountiful and luminous way; tried to blemish the scholars of the Ahl as-Sunna (radiy-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhum ajma’în), and attempted to change Islam and thereby deceive Muslims. This struggle between Muslims and the irreligious has taken place in every century, and it will continue


[1] Praise and gratitude.


till the end of the world. Allâhu ta’âlâ willed in eternity that this be so.

Muslims consist of scholars (hawâs) and laymen (awâm). The Turkish book Dürr-i Yektâ writes, “Laymen are those who do not know the rules of Arabic grammar and literature. They are unable to grasp the books of fatwâ. It is fard for them to look for and learn the knowledge relating to Islamic belief and ’ibâdât. On the other hand, it is fard for scholars to teach, by preaching and writing, first the belief and then the five tenets of ibâdât, which make up the foundation of Islam. It is stated in the books Zahîra and Tâtârhâniyya  that teaching the fundamentals of îmân and the belief of Ahl as-sunna is of primary importance.” That is why the great scholar ’Abd-ul-hakîm-i-Arwâsî ‘rahmatullahi ’aleyh’, an expert in the religious and experimental sciences, said towards the termination of his blessed life, “For thirty years, I have endeavoured to explain the Islamic belief, the i’tiqâd (credo, tenets) of Ahl as-sunna, and Islam’s beautiful ethical teachings in Istanbul’s mosques.” Therefore, in all our books, we too, have tried to explain the i’tiqâd of the Ahl as-Sunna and the good morals of Islam, stressing the importance of being kind to everybody and obeying and helping the State. We do not approve of the writings of some lâ-madhhabî people, who are unaware of the religion and who provoke people against the State and set brothers at loggerheads. Stating, “The religion is under the shadow of swords,” Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam) explained that Muslims could live in comfort under the protection of the State and its laws. As the State becomes stronger, the people enjoy more happiness and peace. Muslims living happily and carrying out their religious duties with freedom in non-Muslim countries, such as those in Europe and America, should not revolt against the State and the laws which give them freedom; they should not be tools for instigation (fitna) and anarchy. This has been a commandment of scholars of Ahl as-Sunna.

It has been observed with gratitude that, men of religious authority in almost all Muslim countries strive to promulgate and defend this right way of Ahl as-Sunna. However, some ignorant people, who either have not read or have not understood the books written by scholars of Ahl as-sunna, make some ignorant oral and written statements, though without having any effect except betraying their own ignorance and wretchedness against Muslims’ firm îmân and the brotherly love they have for one



Harmful separatist movements among Muslims attack books of ’ilm-i-hâl and try to vilify the ’ulamâ’ of Ahl as-Sunna and great men of tasawwuf (rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în). ’Ulamâ’ of Ahl as-Sunna wrote necessary answers against them and protected the true meanings which Rasûlullah (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam) derived from Qur’ân al-kerîm against their attempts to change it. We entreat Allâhu ta’âlâ that, by studying this book carefully with their common sense and pure conscience, our valuable readers will judge it fairly and stick together in the right and true way of the Ahl as-Sunna and avoid lying, slanderous and heretical people. By doing this, they will escape eternal damnation.

Explanations added afterwards to some parts of our book are written in brackets [...]. All these explanations also have been borrowed from authentic books.

     Mîlâdî               Hijrî Shamsî            Hijrî Qamarî
2001                      1380                        1422


Publisher’s Note:

Permission is granted to those who wish to print this book in its original form or to translate it into another language. We pray that Allâhu ta’âlâ will bless them for this beneficent deed of theirs, and we thank them very much. However, permission is granted with the proviso that the paper used in printing will be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting will be properly and neatly done without mistakes.


A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity, Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis, Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam, and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and admit the right one among these and will help to spread out that for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.
