1 – THE FIVE DAILY PRAYERS (termed namâz)

Every Muslim has to know by heart the thirty-three binding duties which are called fard (farz). They are:

Essentials (fards) of îmân                     : SIX

Pillars of Islam                                    : FIVE

Conditions for namâz (prayer)               : TWELVE

Conditions for ablution (wudû, abdast)    : FOUR

Principles for ghusl (ritual bath)              :THREE

Conditions for tayammum                      :THREE

There are also scholars who say that tayammum has two conditions. In that case, there will be thirty-two in all. The fifty-four fards (orders) are another matter and are written in my Turkish book Islâm Ahlâkı[1]. Performing Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy–i munkar and not uttering any bad and ugly words are not included in the thirty-three fards, but they are in the fifty-four fards.

It is fard for every Muslim who is sane and has reached the age of puberty to perform the five daily prayers. When a prayer time comes, it becomes fard for him/her the moment he/she begins performing the prayer. If he/she has not performed it and if there is time left enough to make an ablution and begin the namâz before the prayer time is over, it becomes fard for him/her to perform it. If the prayer time is over before he/she has performed it without a good excuse[2] not to do so, he/she will have committed a grave


[1] The fourth edition of his English version, Ethics of Islam, was accomplished in 1424 A.H. (2003).

[2] By 'a good excuse' we mean 'an excuse which Islam recognizes as an excuse that will absolve a Muslim from the responsibility of not performing an Islamic commandment. An excuse of this sort is termed 'udhr. The third chapter of the present book gives examples of such 'udhrs (excuses) pertaining to (the prayer termed) namâz.


sin. Whether he/she has had a good excuse or not, qadâ will be necessary. The same applies to situations such as when a child reaches puberty, when a disbeliever or a renegade becomes a Muslim, when a woman becomes canonically clean, when an insane or unconscious person recovers, and when a sleeping person wakes up. It is fard for a new Muslim to learn the principles of namâz first. After learning them, it becomes fard to perform namâz. Sleep is not a good excuse if it begins after the prayer time has begun. If a person does so, it is fard for him to make sure that he will wake up before the prayer time is over, while it would be mustahab for him to make sure to wake up before the end of the prayer time if he were to go to sleep before the beginning of the prayer time. These five daily prayers add up to forty rak’ats (units), out of which seventeen are fard, three are wâjib (essential, almost obligatory), and twenty are sunnat, as follows:

1 - Morning prayer [Salât-ul-fajr] consists of four rak’ats. First, two rak’ats of the sunnat prayer are performed. Then two rakats of the fard prayer are performed. The sunnat (the first two rak’ats) is very important. Some scholars classify it as wajib.

2 - Early afternoon prayer [Salât-uz-zuhr] consists of ten rak’ats, the initial sunnat consisting of four rak’ats, the fard consisting of four rak’ats, and the final sunnat consisting of two rak’ats. The early afternoon prayer is performed in this order.

3 - Late afternoon prayer [Salât-ul-’asr] consists of eight rak’ats. First the sunnat, which consists of four rak’ats, and then the fard, which consists of four rak’ats, are performed.

4 - Evening prayer [Salât-ul-maghrib] contains five rak’ats. First the fard, which is composed of three rak’ats, then the sunnat, consisting of two rak’ats, are performed.

5 - Night prayer [Salât-ul-’ishâ] consists of thirteen rak’ats. The initial sunnat contains four rak’ats. The fard also contains four rak’ats. But the final sunnat has two rak’ats, while the Witr prayer has three rak’ats.

The initial sunnats of the late afternoon prayer and night prayer are Ghayr-i muakkada. When sitting during their second rak’at, after reciting the attahiyyâtu.., the prayers of Allahumma salli alâ... and... bârik âlâ... are recited completely. After standing up for the third rak’at, the prayer Subhânaka... is recited before


saying the Basmala. But the first sunnat of the early afternoon prayer is Muakkad. That is, it has been commanded emphatically. There are more thawâbs (blessings) for it. During its second rak’at, as in the fard prayers, only the Attahiyyâtu is said and then we stand up for the third rak’at. After standing up, we first recite the Basmala and then the sûra (chapter) of Fâtiha.

It is mustahab to perform four more rak’ats after the fard of early afternoon and night prayers and six more rak’ats after the fard of early evening prayer. In other words, it is very blessed. One can perform all of them with one salâm or by saying the salâm after every two rak’ats. In either case the first two rak’ats are deemed to be the final sunnat. These prayers, which are mustahab, can be performed separately after the final sunnat of the two prayers of namâz as well.

The first rak’at commences with the beginning of the prayer and the other rak’ats begin right after standing up, and each rak’at continues until one stands up again. The final rak’at continues until the salâm. No prayers can be less than two rak’ats. All prayers contain an even number of rak’ats, except the fards of the early evening prayer and the witr prayer. After the second sajda (prostration) of each second rak’at we sit.

Each rak’at of prayer contains its fards, wâjibs, sunnats, mufsids (things or acts which disrupt prayer), and makrûhs (actions, words, thoughts avoided and disapproved by the Prophet). On the pages ahead, we shall explain these in accordance with the Hanafî Madhhab.