This letter, written to Khwâja Sharâfaddin Husain, states that every deed agreeable with the Prophet’s way is dhikr:

Al hamdu lillâhi wa sallâmun alâ ’ibâdihilladhinastafâ. The letter which my cherished son sent by Mawlânâ Abdurrashîd and Mawlânâ Jan Muhammad has arrived here together with the other things vowed. May Allâhu ta’âlâ, as a reward for them, bless you with the best things! We are pleased to hear of the news of your good health.

O My Son! This time of yours is a great opportunity. And opportunity is a great blessing. Times passed in good health and without anxiety are rare windfalls. You must spend each hour with the dhikr of Allâhu ta’âlâ. Every deed, even if it is shopping, which is agreeable with Rasûlullah, is dhikr. Then, every action, every attitude must be agreeable with Rasûlullah. In this case all will be dhikr. Dhikr means to dispel unawareness. In other words, it is to remember Allâhu ta’âlâ. When a person observes the commandments and prohibitions of Allâhu ta’âlâ in everything he does, in his every action, he will have escaped from forgetting the Owner of commands and prohibitions and performed dhikr all the time.


Sayyid Abdulhakîm bin Mustafâ Arwâsî ‘rahmatullâhi ’aleyh’ says in one of his letters:

All of the wâridât-i ilâhiyya happens within the ’âdat-i ilâhiyya. That is, Allâhu ta’âlâ creates everything under some causes. He has given these causes the effect, the power to act. We call such powers natural forces, laws of physics, chemistry and biology. For doing something, for obtaining something, we have to hold fast to these causes. For example, to obtain wheat it is necessary to plough the field, to sow the seeds and to reap. All the actions of men happen within these laws of Allâhu ta’âlâ. In order


to do favours, to bestow gifts upon His beloved slaves and to deceive His unbridled enemies, Allâhu ta’âlâ suspends His laws and creates for them things without causes. For example:

1- Phenomena that happen from prophets ‘alaihimussalâm’ beyond the Divine laws of causation but within the Divine power are called mu’jiza. Prophets have to exhibit mu’jizas.

2 - Phenomena which happen beyond the laws of causation through the Awliyâ of the ummats of prophets ‘alaihimussalâm’ are called karâmat. Ibni Âbidîn says in the chapter dealing with ‘murtads,’ people who left Islam, “Mu’tazila and Wahhâbî did not believe in miracles, that is, karâmât. Imâm-ul-haramayn, Imâm-i ’Umar Nasafî and many other Islamic scholars ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’ prove that karâmat is something permissible.” The Awliyâ do not have to exhibit karâmats. They do not want to exhibit karâmats. Rather, they feel embarrassed towards Allâhu ta’âlâ.

3 - Among any ummat, phenomena that happen beyond the laws of causation from those who are not Awliyâ are called firâsat.

4 - If they happen from fâsiqs, from those whose sins are many, they are called istidrâj, which means to degrade, demote them gradually.

5 - Those that happen from disbelievers are called sihr, that is, magic.