This letter, written to Naqîb and Sayyed Shaikh Farîd, praises the Best of Mankind (Muhammad alaihissalâm) and gives advice to follow him.

Your dear letter, sent out of mercy, honoured this poor person at the best time. We were happy to read it. Thanks be to Allahu ta’âlâ, you have been blessed with the inheritance of Hadrat Muhammad’s faqr[1]. This tawajjuh, this love and this adherence towards faqîrs ensue from that inheritance. This faqîr, who has nothing, is confused about what to write in response. I will make this letter of mine a means for being saved from the torments of the next world, by writing information concerning the superior qualities of your great ancestor, who is the most auspicious of Arabs. I do not attempt to praise our sayyed Rasûlullah. Rather, I will enrich my writings with him. Translation of an Arabic couplet:

To praise Muhammad (’alayhissalâm), I’m not able,
With his name, I only make my lines valuable.

Trusting myself to Allahu ta’âlâ and begging for help from Him, I communicate:

Hadrat Muhammad is Allahu ta’âlâ’s Messenger. He is the Sayyed, the Master of the sons of Âdam. On the last day of the Last Judgement, he is going to have the greatest number of followers. He is the most glorious among the latter and former in front of Allah.

[Sayyed Abdulhakîm Arwâsî (Qaddasallahu ta’âlâ sirrahul ’azîz) said, “Every prophet (salâwâtullahi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în) is the highest of his tribe, of his time, in his country, in every respect. As for Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi’s-salâm), he is, in every respect, the highest of all classes of beings that have come and that will come in every country in every age from the creation of the world until its end. No person is superior to him in any respect. This is not something impossible for Him to do. He (Allah), who makes whatever He wills and who creates whatever He wants, has created him so. No person has the power to praise him. No person has the capacity to criticize him.”]

On the Day of Resurrection, he will rise from the grave first.


[1] The quality of not regarding worldly possessions, not hesitating to give one’s possessions away for the cause of Allah.


He will do shafâ’at first. His shafâ’at will be accepted first. He will knock on the door of Paradise first. The door will be opened for him at once. In his hand will be a flag called “Liwây-i hamd.” Âdam ‘alaihis-salâm’ and all Believers from his time until the end of the world will be under this flag. He declared in a hadîth: “On the Day of Resurrection, I am the sayyed of the former and the latter. I am telling the truth, I am not boasting.” He declared in a hadîth: “I am the habîb, the darling of Allahu ta’âlâ. I am the Head of Prophets. I am not boasting.” He declared in a hadîth: “I am the Last Prophet; I am not boasting. I am Muhammad, the son of Abdullah. Allahu ta’âlâ created human beings. He created me as the best of human beings. Allahu ta’âlâ separated human beings into groups [nations, races]. He put me in the best. Then He separated this best group into tribes [societies]. He put me in the best. Then He separated this society into homes. He caused me to be born in the best home [family]. I am the best of mankind. I am from the best family. On the [Day of] Resurrection, when everybody will be silent, I will talk. At a time when nobody can move, I will intercede for people. At such a time when everybody will be utterly hopeless, I will give them good news. That day, I will have the key to every kind of goodness, to every kind of help, and to every door. Liwâ-yi hamd will be in my hand. I am the most useful, the most generous, the best of mankind. That day, thousands of servants will be in my service. On the Judgement Day, I will be the leader, the preacher, the intercessor for all prophets. I am not saying these in order to boast. [I am telling the truth. It is my task to tell the truth. If I do not tell you this, I will not have done my duty.] “If it hadn’t been for him, Allahu ta’âlâ would not have created anything. It would not have been revealed that He is the One to be worshipped. When Âdam ‘alaihis-salâm’ was between water and earth, [that is, as his clay was being kneaded], he ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ was a prophet.

He who follows the footsteps of such a noble guide,
Will never give his account, even of committed sins.

A person who believes and follows the footsteps of such a prophet, who is the sayyed, the most exalted of all mankind, is certainly in the best of the ummats. The hundred and tenth âyat of Sûrat-u Âl-i ’Imrân, “You are the most useful, the best of ummats, of those who possess a religion,” is good news for such people. Those who do not believe him [those who cannot


understand him and who suppose him to be like themselves] are the worst of people. The ninety-eighth âyât of Sûrat-ut-Tawba, “The stonyhearted, wild and ignorant people will not believe you. They are mostly munâfiqs,” signifies them. In the present state of the world, those who are honoured with obeying his Sunnat-i saniyya [in other words, Islam] are very fortunate. He who believes him and who is of his Ummat will be given many more blessings for a small amount of good deeds. The Ashâb-i Kahf ‘rahmatullâhi alaihim ajma’în’ [The seven men in the cave of Tarsus] attained high grades by doing one beautiful deed. This deed was: When the enemies of religion spread out everywhere, they migrated somewhere else in order to protect the îmân in their hearts. Today, to believe him and to do a few favours is similar to the insignificant actions done by soldiers that become very valuable when the enemy attacks and invades the country. During the time of peace, extensive efforts done by soldiers cannot be as valuable.

Since Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi’s-salâm) is Allah’s darling, he who follows him reaches the grade of belovedness. For the lover will love any person in whom he sees the habits or the signs of his darling. This should tell us about the states of those who do not follow him!

Translation of a Persian couplet:

Muhammad (‘alaihi’s-salâm) is the pride of both worlds.
Let them who’d not be dust of his gate be under ground!

A person who cannot migrate like the Ashâb-i kahf (rahmatullahi ’alaihim ajma’în) should migrate through the heart and soul. While being among enemies, he should keep his heart away from them. Allahu ta’âlâ may open the doors of happiness by this way, too. The Nawrûz Day [the first day of the Persian calendar, the 20th of March] is coming soon. You know that there is so much tumult, impetuosity and stupidity on these days, [which are feast days for disbelievers, fire worshippers]. After passing over these obscure days, I hope to attain the honor of meeting you. In order not to give you a headache, I will not write more. May Allahu ta’âlâ let you not deviate from the way of your noble grandfathers. My salâm is extented to you and upon them until the Day of Resurrection. Âmîn!
