This letter, written to Jabbārī Khān, says that this brilliant Dīn has brought all the past Dīn together and that to obey this Dīn means to obey all the previous Dīn.

May Allahu ta’ālā bless us with the lot of obeying the brilliant Sharī’at brought by Hadrat Muhammad (sall Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam), making of progress on this righteous way, thus attaining His consent and love! Allahu ta’ālā has accumulated all of the most mature and superior (shadows) of His Names and Attributes in Hadrat Muhammad (sall Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam), who is His most beloved born servant and His Messenger. All these superior traits appear in him in such a manner as to suit a born servant. The book revealed to him, the Qur’ān, is the essence of all the books that were sent down to all other Prophets. What was declared in all of them exist in it too. The Sharī’at that was given to this great Prophet is like the cream extracted from all the past Sharī’ats. Every action declared by this true and righteous Sharī’at has been selected and derived from the actions and deeds that were declared in the previous Sharī’ats. Moreover, there are deeds selected or derived from angels’ behaviors. For example, a group of angels were commanded to do rukū’[1]. Many of them were commanded to prostrate, and some others were commanded to perform qiyām, that is, to worship by standing. Likewise, some of the past Ummats were commanded only to perform the morning prayer. Others were commanded to do the prayers of other times. What was filtered and selected out of the worships and deeds of the past Ummats and of the angels closer to Allahu ta’ālā was incorporated into this Dīn. For this reason, to confirm, to believe in this Dīn and to obey the commands of this Dīn will mean to confirm and obey all the past Dīn. This means to say that those who conform to this Dīn will be the most beneficent and the best of Ummats. And he who disbelieves and dislikes this Dīn and who is reluctant to obey it will have believed in and obeyed none of the previous Dīns. By the same token, a person who disbelieves Hadrat Muhammad (sall Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam) and who speaks ill of that great Prophet, who is the highest of all people and the elect of the good, will have disbelieved the perfectness and the superiority of Allahu ta’ālā’s Names and Attributes. To believe Rasūlullah ‘alaihi-s-salātu wa-s-


[1] Bowing during the prayer of namāz.


salām’, to realize his superiority will mean to realize and to believe in all the superior traits. This means to say that a person who disbelieves this exalted Prophet and who dislike the Dīn, which he brought, is the worst, the basest of ummats and people. It was declared in the ninety-eighth āyat of Sūrat-ul-Tawba: “The disbelief and irreligiousness of the illiterate is more vehement than that of others.”

The meaning of two Persian couplets:

Muhammad (’alaihi’s-salām), born in Arabia,
He is the dearest here and the Hereafter!
Let them be underground, crushed, ruined
If not wish being the dust and soil of his door!

Thanks be to Allahu ta’ālā, who sends all blessings and favours, for it is seen that you like and thoroughly believe in this Sharī’at and its Messenger (Hadrat Muhammad), and that you repent for your unsuitable behaviour. May Allahu ta’ālā increase this awareness of yours! Amīn.

Thanks be to Allāhu ta’ālā that a very good belief and thought for Islām and for its owner (alaihissalātu wassalāmu wattahiyya) is seen on you very easily, and a continuous repentance for your unsuitable deeds falls into your lot. May Allahu ta’ālā grant you more.

Secondly, I would like to add that Shaikh Mustafa, who has brought this letter to you, comes from the family of Qādi Sharīh. The children of that pure family have been endeared and respected in this country. Materially, they have led a simple life. Shaikh Mustafa, the above-mentioned, has not a salary. For this reason, he is on his way towards being a soldier. He has the necessary official papers with him. It is hoped that he will get rid of this problem with your help and obtain inner peace. Let me not give you a headache by writing more. Tell the Grand Vizier his problem exactly and request him to solve it so that he will get rid of this discordance and have inner peace. Wassalām wal iqrām.
